- Logistics & Freight Transport
- Supply Chain Management
- Business Development
- Green logistics
- Energy & Environment
- Test Bed Technologies for logistics solutions evaluation & demo
- Physical Internet technologies
- IoT sensors for logistics
- Big data analytics for business & logistics
- Block chain technology for supply chain visibility
Products & Services
- Advanced education facility for International postgraduate studies in Logistics & Business Intelligence
- Continuous education focusing on Intelligent Logistics and Digital Supply Chain management
- Innovative city logistics solutions
- Dissemination of best practices in distribution and supply chain management
- Assessing and certifying the green character and overall environmental footprint of selected supply chains
The Competence Center for Logistics and Business Challenges (CCLBC) is dedicated to capacity building in Greek companies and strengthening research and business collaboration for achieving excellence in business through the implementation & adoption of innovative business practices & logistics related new technologies for supply chain’s .
Competence Center will provide companies within Thess-INTEC & companies of the wider region customized solutions, vocational training and consulting services on the design and operation of their modern, competitive & resilient supply chains. In this context the Center is contributing to:
- Assist Greek small-medium enterprises in becoming more competitive with value-adding products and services
- Support research excellence in the areas of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Develop strategic partnerships with international, leading research entities and practitioners
- Promote synergies with European stakeholders and policy-makers for promoting European & Global Intelligent Corridors for Logistics & trade to be developed over Greece
On going research & new knowledge production world-wide will be transferred to business and logistics industry of the region through training and reengineering projects.
For more demanding logistics activities, the required qualifications will be available for supporting companies growth and competitiveness.
CCLBC provides infrastructure, equipment and leading expertise for providing executive training in new and innovative logistics and supply chain practices. Through these services, CCLBC will boost the companies manufacturing capabilities, optimize their R&D processes, minimize time-to-market and other related costs, enhance the expertise and technical capacity of engineers.

MP5 Building
Competence Center for business & logistics challenges
Section A.
Subsection A2
Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou is Deputy Director and Research Director at the Hellenic Institute of Transport (ΗΙΤ) of CERTH with professional and research experience for over 25 years in transport systems management and optimization.
Prof. Dimitrios Vlachos is the Director of the Laboratory of Statistics and Quantitative Analysis Methods, Industrial Management Division of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece.
Research Partners

Industrial Partners