Flexible Organic Nanotechnology Applications
- Energy
- Health
- Smart Packaging
- Building
- Laser Patterning
- Thin—Film Processing
- Optical Technology & Nanometrology
- Microfabrication with Vacuum and printing techniques
- Lon-beam and Plasma Processes
Products & Services
- Organic & Printed Electronics (OPVs, OLEDs, Materials for Flexible Electronic Devices
- Thin Films, Nanoparticles
- Biocompatible Nanomaterials
- Nanosystems
- Modeling of Devices
- To develop new innovative flexible organic nanomaterials for various applications
- To facilitate the special land/equipment requirements related to Nanotechnology
- To focus on special research activities: Organic & Printed Electronics, Thin Films,Nanomaterials & NanoEngineering, Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology, Optical Technology & Nanometrology, Compu-tational & Modeling at Nanoscale.
- To interact with Academia, Research Institutes and Organizations and Industry and to transfer its tech-nology to scientific and industrial users and developers.
- To attract domestic and foreign industry interested to utilize the offered infrastructure and services.
- To optimize the performance of RTD activities and enable economies of scale of the hosted and ser-viced companies by accumulating all relevant research and development units, equipment and infra-structure.
- To counteract the brain-drain effect for both research and industryTo create a suitable and welcoming environment for startups, subcontractors, service providers, etc. active in the domain of Flexible Organic Nanotechnology Applications
The ‘Flexible Organic Nanotechnology Applications’ Megaprojectwill provide world class infrastructure, equipment and leading expertise for new developing and optimising innovative designing/manufacturing methods, testing new organic nanomaterials and experimenting. By offering these facilities and expertise to hosted and serviced companies, the ‘Flexible Organic Nanotechnology Applications’ Megaproject will boost their manufacturing capabilities, optimize their R&D processes, minimize time-to-market and other related costs, enhance the expertise and technical capacity of physicists, engineers and technicians and in general enhance their international competitiveness.
The ultimate goal is to attract domestic and foreign industry investments, facilitate the creation of a critical mass of startups, subcontractors, service providers, etc. active in the domain of Flexible Organic Nanotechnology and attracting new talent and human capital for both re-search and industry.

MP1 & MP2 Building
Advanced materials & manufacturing processes + Flexible organic nanotechnology application
Section A.
Subsection A2
Stergios Logothetidis born 9 November 1953 is a Greek physicist and a full time professor at the solid-state physics department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is the founder and director of the Lab for Thin Films – Nanosystems and Nanometrology (LTFN). The scientific and research activities of LTFN are focused on the areas of: nanotechnology, organic electronics, nanomedicine, nano-bioelectronics and thin films.
Research Partners

Industrial Partners