- Automotive industry
- Transport & mobility
- Environment
- V2X technologies and services
- Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS),
- Info mobility technologies and Smart City applications
- IoT & smart sensors & platforms (product & testing service)
- Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems C-ITS
- Hybrid, Electric & Hydrogen vehicles technologies
- Vehicle Exhaust After Treatment
- Innovative vehicle propulsion systems
Products & Services
- Smart Sustainable mobility applications
- Simulated environments for connected vehicles
- Validation, certification and impact assessment of connected and automated traveling/driving systems (CAD)
- Car- driver interaction
- Behavioral analysis using driving simulators
- Electro-mobility solutions
- Testing and modelling of emissions and environmental performance of current and future vehicle technologies
- Development of fuel and lubricant technologies
- Development, modelling and testing of future energy carriers with emphasis on optimization of Thermal and Energy Management of Batteries
- Development, modelling and testing of Pollution Control Systems for Hybrid and electrified vehicle propulsion architectures
- Develop and operate a state-of-the-art co-located environment for R&D departments of industries, SMEs and research entities
- Support open innovation and entrepreneurship in the transport and mobility domain, including support for new SMEs in early stages of development
- Offer an open testbed and facilities to validate, certify and assess new technologies in the transport and mobility domain
- Synthesize ongoing and future developments and trends towards innovative products and services
- Exploit technological trends for new mobility services and products
- Focus on human-centred technologies for vehicles, infrastructures
- Cooperate with other relevant projects and entities worldwide
- Provide the automotive industry and public authorities, both national and international, with scientific research and technologies for the optimum environmental performance of vehicles
This Megaproject creates and shares among its stakeholders the value of an integrated perspective for a better & environmentally friendly automotive of the future and the smart mobility of the future. Companies from Intelligent Transport System (ITS) industry, energy & automotive industry cooperate with research groups in creating the real operating environment (test bed) for future mobility technologies. This infrastructure is made available to technology & automotive industry players for testing new products and services, assess behaviour of transport users, travellers and citizens of the future smart cites. Academia and companies R&D groups co-locate for allowing new smart mobility products development and guide smart infrastructure usage & exploitation. The evaluation of existing technologies, as well as the investigation and development of new ones which will be implemented in future mobility, automotive and powertrain concepts is a priority objective.
The cooperation between the research experts will create a strong research pole in Greece that will serve potential customers at national & global level. The cooperation of the research and industry teams, covers the majority of the key mobility trends -electrification, shared mobility, and autonomy- targeting to the new markets that are growing rapidly in this sector.
Future sustainable mobility solutions will be developed in the proposed co-location environment of Thess-INTEC and their certification (against global standards, interoperability, human factor, carbon & energy foot print) will be possible using the state of the art open to the industry test bed of future mobility.

MP6 Building
Future mobility applications
Section A.
Subsection A2
Professor Zissis Samaras is Director of the Lab of Applied Thermodynamics, Aristotle University. His research work deals with engine and vehicle emissions testing and modeling.
Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou is Deputy Director and Research Director at the Hellenic Institute of Transport (ΗΙΤ) of CERTH with professional and research experience for over 25 years in transport systems management and optimization.
Research Partners

Industrial Partners